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About Us

Greater Portland Flute Society is a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit arts organization.  All contributions are fully tax deductible to the extent allowed by law.

GPFS Mission

Our mission is to provide times and places for flutists of all ages, levels and walks of life to meet, exchange ideas, gain performance experience, play in ensembles, and generally promote and enhance flute playing in the greater Portland area. 

Instagram: @gpflutesociety

Facebook: @flutesocietyoregon

GPFS is dedicated to:

  • Teaching and learning the flute
  • Connecting members to performance and ensemble opportunities
  • Showcasing regional and international talent
  • Improving access to music education
  • Supporting private and collegiate flute teachers and secondary school band directors
  • Advocating for music education
  • Sharing resources and knowledge
  • Strengthening the diversity of our musical community
  • Seeking opportunities to collaborate with other regional musical organizations

    The Greater Portland Flute Society does not and shall not discriminate or permit discrimination on the basis of race, color, religion (creed), gender, gender expression, gender identity, age, national origin (ancestry), disability, marital status, familial status, sexual orientation, or military status, in any of its activities or operations. We are committed to providing an inclusive and welcoming environment for all volunteers, event attendees and working partnerships. 



    Our membership is a vibrant tapestry, reflecting a rich diversity of backgrounds and professions. We have professional performers, flute teachers and students spanning all ages and skill levels. Together, we bring a wealth of experiences and perspectives that enrich our musical community. 

    Music Education, Advocacy, Collaboration

    GPFS is committed to advancing music education for our members and our local communities through various initiatives. These include performance opportunities like masterclasses and flute ensemble events, fostering networking and collaboration among flutists and with other Portland-based musical organizations, including youth orchestras. We also provide a wealth of flute resources online via our website, administer an instrument loan program, maintain an extensive music library available free of charge to members and promote an array of volunteer opportunities. GPFS youth members enjoy access to special young artist competitions and workshops as well as the opportunity to apply for study grants. 

    Links: Flute Ensemble GatheringYoung Artist CompetitionCollaborative EventsStudent Study Grants,  Opportunities Country and WorldwideFlute Resources & LinksNewsletter – The Portland PiperLocal Flute Teachers

    GPFS Concerts and Workshops

    GPFS works tirelessly to sponsor events that provide encouragement, education, and enjoyment for both our members and our community. We bring nationally and internationally acclaimed artists to Portland to perform, lecture and teach. We have hosted many prominent flutists, including James Galway, Jean-Pierre Rampal, Julius Baker, Samuel Baron, John Barcellona, Robert Dick, Matthias Ziegler, Laurel Zucker, Steven Kujala, James Walker, Ransom Wilson, Julien Beaudiment, Valerie Coleman, Trudy Kane, Mihoko Watanabe, Gareth McLearnon, Marianne Gedigian, Marco Granados, Hadar Noiberg, and the flutists of the Oregon Symphony (Martha Long, Alicia DiDonato Paulsen, and Zach Galatis).  

    Opportunities for the many talented flutists in our region to perform and provide workshops is another important element of GPFS programming, especially in conjunction with our annual Flute Fair.  Flute Fair, an annual event which celebrated its 40th anniversary in 2024, is a day of all things flute: performances, workshops, masterclasses, youth competitions and an expansive vendor hall, where our business members can get to know the local Portland flute community. All these events provide important opportunities for flutists of all ages and levels to learn, network and expand their musical horizons. 

    Links: Fall Guest ArtistFirst TuesdaysFlute FairSpring Guest Artist Concert

    GPFS Member Resources

    GPFS maintains an extensive music library available for loan at no charge to our members. The GPFS also owns a bass flute and an alto flute which are available for loan to our members (at a nominal daily charge), providing an opportunity to experience playing an instrument that most would not otherwise have. We also offer a free C-flute short term loan program (there is a nominal charge on longer term loans) for GPFS  members who are in need of an instrument. 

    Links: GPFS Music LibraryFlute Loan for StudentsBig Flute Rentals

    GPFS Online Publication - The Portland Piper

    The Portland Piper, a members-only benefit, is published four times per year. The Piper provides details about upcoming activities, concert, music, and recording reviews, interviews with local and national performers and composers, informational articles on teaching and learning the flute, and other flute-related materials and information. 

    Link: Newsletter – The Portland Piper

    Fred Meyer Community Rewards

    This program makes it easy for you to donate to the GPFS with the shopping you do every day!

    To  connect your Fred Meyer Rewards Card to the GPFS,  CLICK HERE

    3528 SW Gale Ave
    Portland, Oregon 
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