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The Board membership roster

Scroll down for job descriptions.


Short bios for board members - Greater Portland Flute Society Board Members 2024-25.pdf


BJ Nicoletti, Email

Vice President (Artistic Manager)
Emily Stanek Email

Secretary (and Chief Gratitude Officer)
Rebecca Olson Towers Email

Tony Merrill Email

Membership Officer/Archivist
Not filled at this time Email

Commercial Membership Officer
Incoming - Karen Duggan pending membership vote 4/13/24, Outgoing - Deborah Johnson Email

Communications Officer
BJ Nicoletti Email

Newsletter Editor

BJ Nicoletti Email

Publicity Officer

BJ Nicoletti Email

Social Media Director
Emily Stanek Email

Web Administrator

Amy Norton Email

Development Officer
Development duties currently managed by the whole board with guidance from the Development Committee

Youth Outreach Officer

Sandy Duffy Noman Email

Members at Large

Judy Fischbach

Gabriela Gimenes

Donna Maebori

Alicia Rasmussen

Cheryl Thompson-Merrill

Robert Wakeley

Student Representatives

Portland State University

University of Oregon

Committee Chairs & Appointments

These following positions are available to all GPFS members, whether on the Board currently or not. Your help is welcome!

Development Committee

Sue Bonfeld Email

C-Flute Loan Program Coordinator

Cheryl Thompson-Merrill


Bass & Alto Flutes Loan Program Coordinator

Robert Wakeley Email

Flute Fair Volunteer Coordinator
Sue Bonfeld Email

Student Study Grants - Sandy Duffy Norman

Sandy Duffy Norman Email

Judy Fischbach Email

Nancie Thompson Email

on hold

GPFS Board Member Job Descriptions

Board Offices

All terms for board members including officers are for one year, although many board members serve for a number of years.  The only exception is the president who starts with a two-year term commitment. 

GPFS President

Job Description:

This is a two-year term with any subsequent years as one-year commitments. Provides leadership of the GPFS Board of Directors and is responsible for strategic planning—helping shape the direction of the organization and keeping things on track. The President also serves as the spokesperson for the organization.


1.     Generate enthusiasm and support for GPFS and its programming
2.     Facilitates GPFS strategic planning for the year including budget estimations.
3.     Answer specific inquiries sent directly to President, or forward to the appropriate Board Member. 
4.     Spokesperson for the organization.
5.     Responsible for overseeing all aspects of the organization, including keeping the GPFS Board current on programming and event planning.
6.     Makes sure event planning is running smoothly.
7.     Works with the board and secretary to develop the board meeting agendas.     
8.     Schedule face-to-face Board Meeting approximately three times a year, send out meeting agendas in advance and lead Board Meetings.
9.     Conduct “virtual” board meeting via email asking for input when board decisions need to be made.
10.  Make decisions for the organization if time does not allow a survey of board members.
11.  Break ties in the event of a tied vote.
12.  Works with the board to identify potential partnerships and collaborations with arts and other organizations. 
13.  Ensures GPFS buys annual instrument and event insurance.
14.  Chairs Flute Fair.
15.  Reserves site for annual Flute Fair. 

    GPFS Vice President and Artistic Manager

    Job Description:

    Vice President assists GPFS President and is responsible for booking guest artists for GPFS Programming.


    1.     Works with the board on the selection of guest artists and send event appearance invitations to the selected artists. 
    2.     Generally, two guest artists are booked for each program year: one for October/November; one for Flute Fair, usually on the first Saturday in April.
    3.     Point person with the guest artists for GPFS contract agreements, confirmation, logistics.
    4.     Responds to artists who inquire as to GPFS opportunities.
    5.     Maintain a list of potential performing artists, including past performers.
    6.     Is available for the President to confer with as needed to both assist the president and stay current with GPFS matters.
    7.     Stands in for the President in case of absence.
    8.     During the program year, volunteer to help with one GPFS event.
    9.     For Flute Fair, volunteer to chair one committee.

      GPFS Secretary  

      Job Description:

       The GPFS Secretary takes minutes at face-to-face Board Meetings, responds to any correspondence, sends thank you letters to guest artists, sponsors and donors.


      1.     Take minutes at face-to-face Board Meetings.
      2.     Email minutes to all Board Members within one week of meeting.
      3.     Schedules board meetings.
      4.     Assists the president with the development and communication of the agenda as needed.
      5.     Keep up on all correspondence.
      6.     Send thank you letters to guest artists and sponsors.
      7.     Send thank you letters to donors. 
      8.     Facilitate answering occasional miscellaneous correspondence and delegate response as appropriate.
      9.     During the program year, volunteer to help with one GPFS event.
      10.  For Flute Fair, volunteer to chair one committee.

        GPFS Treasurer

        Job Description:

        Maintains ledgers and bank accounts, makes deposits of monies received, prepares and provides financial reports to the Board and advises on budget planning.  Manages investments with Charles Schwab Investment Account.  Assists Membership Officer on overdue invoices if needed.  Provides change and cash box to GPFS events. 


        1.     Enter all income and expense transactions into Quickbooks Pro
        2.     Bank Reconciliation - OnPoint Credit Union Checking, OnPoint Credit Union Savings, Charles Schwab Investment Account.
        3.     File and Pay Submitted Invoices.
        4.     Provide Current Fiscal Year and YTD Income/Expense Reports at Board Meetings
        5.     Provide Current Balance Sheet at Board Meetings.
        6.     Answer any/all questions regarding income, expense, and or balance sheet items.
        7.     Provide guidance for annual budgeting based on current and past financials.
        8.     Assist with Annual Budget.
        9.     Manage Charles Schwab Investment Account and provide reporting at Board Meetings on Short Term Treasury and Corporate Bond purchases.
        10.  Manage Cash flow between OnPoint and Schwab accounts to keep as much money invested as possible, while also maintaining liquidity for any expenses.
        11.  Brings change and a cash box to GPFS events. Provides change for committees dealing with money at Flute Fair such as Concessions, Admissions, GPFS Merchandise, Raffle.
        12.  Provides support to Membership Officer, per their request, as needed to resolve any issue on overdue membership invoices.

          GPFS Membership Officer 

          Job Description

          Maintains database of GPFS Membership and local band directors. Provides current membership list and membership forms at all GPFS events.


          1.     Maintain membership database/mailing list, (to be updated annually).
          2.     Respond to member inquiries regarding membership issues such as payment errors, duplications.
          3.     Send out membership renewal emails in August.
          4.     Identifies overdue member invoices and sends out overdue notices with technical assistance from the treasurer as needed.
          5.     Supply Membershp Table at GPFS events with forms for both new and renewal memberships.  
          6.     During the program year, volunteer to help with one GPFS event.
          7.     For Flute Fair, volunteer to chair one committee.

            GPFS Commercial Membership Officer 

            Job Description:

            Serves as the liaison between the GPFS and its business members.  Solicits business card size ads for the GPFS Newsletter and programs for all GPFS events (for Advertising Commercial Members only).  Also serves as Exhibit Hall Coordinator for Flute Fair.


            1.      Serve as liaison between GPFS and its business members.
            2.      Recruit new business members.
            3.      Invite business members to be vendors/exhibitors at Flute Fair.
            4.      Interface with Newsletter Editor and Webmaster to inform them of current Business Members and Advertising Business Members,
            5.      Helps the board identify potential sponsorship opportunities and facilitates reaching out to these sponsors.
            6.      Works with Web Administrator to create and maintain sponsorship shopping cart and process.
            7.      Serve as exhibit hall coordinator for Flute Fair.
            8.      Collect raffle donations made by Exhibitors on the day of Flute Fair.
            9.      Keep records and files, including fees paid, associated with business membership.
            10.   Answer inquiries concerning Commercial Membership.
            11.   During the program year, volunteer to help with one GPFS event.
            12.   For Flute Fair, serves as Exhibit Hall Coordinator.

              GPFS Communications Officer 

              Job Description:

              Designs and implements timely email communications to membership and contact lists in support of all GPFS events and activities. Develops and posts web content in support of communications goals. Collaborates with Publicity/Social Media Officer(s) and Web Administrator to ensure current, vibrant and accurate communications across all platforms that meet our web standards and compliance.


              1.      Oversees communication needs in general and in support of committees and develops a plan and content to respond.
              2.      Works with Publicity/Social Media Officer(s), Web Administrator and other officers/committee members to develop and ensure timely and consistent communications content and delivery across the various information endeavors.
              3.      Assists the Publicity Officer in distributing the monthly ENews.
              4.      Designs and distributes email announcements (outside of monthly ENews) and reminders about upcoming events and activities.
              5.      Design and distributes strategic and timely communications to band directors, area flute teachers and other community stakeholders.
              6.      Assists with development of content for website and posts relevant web-content.
              7.      Assists with the development of event program booklets handed out at events.
              8.      Works with the Publicity Officer to monitor and create event webpages and registrations with the assistance of the Web Administrator.
              9.      Works with Membership Officer as needed to maintain membership database/mailing   list, as well as mailing list of local band directors (to be updated annually).
              10.   Works with the Web Administrator to maintain standards and compliance for webpages.
              11.   Call upon other volunteers to be available to Communications to create content.
              12.   During the program year, volunteer to help with one GPFS event.
              13.   For Flute Fair, volunteer to chair one committee/oversee an activity or serve on a team.

              GPFS The Portland Piper Editor

              Job Description:

              Publishes the online publication – The Portland Piper - approximately 4 times per year, sets deadlines for submissions, solicits content, edits content for relevance to GPFS mission. Posts content online. Collects announcements of flute-related events, distributing them via ENews and Piper as well as working with Social Media to post. Maintains archive of past newsletters. Manages the online environment for The Portland Piper.


              1.      Publish newsletter 4 times per year, setting deadlines soliciting, editing and posting content.
              2.      Announce the release of The Portland Piper to membership via email and social media.
              3.      Maintain the public facing The Portland Piper webpage.
              4.      Work with Membership Officer to maintain contact database.
              5.      Works with the Web Administrator to maintain standards for publication related pages.
              6.      During the program year, volunteer to help with one GPFS event.
              7.      For Flute Fair, volunteer to chair one committee.

                GPFS Publicity Officer

                Job Description:

                Maintains a mailing list of press and media outlets that accept press releases, writes press releases for each GPFS Event and sends them to each press and media outlet, helps design and produce posters for GPFS events.  Also maintain the Facebook page and Twitter feeds.

                1.      Maintains contact list of press and media outlets.
                2.      Maintains contact list of select area band directors for communications.
                3.      Writes press releases for each GPFS Event and sends them to each press and media contact.
                4.      Works collaboratively with Communications Officer, Social Media Officer and Photographer.
                5.      Maintains GPFS online calendar of GPFS sponsored events.
                6.      Designs Monthly ENews and works with the Communications to distribute.
                7.      Check the event pages quarterly and collaborate with others to update as needed.
                8.      Helps design and produce posters and programs for GPFS events.
                9.      Maintains archive of past programs and any pertinent news clippings of GPFS events.
                10.  Works with the Communications Office to monitor and create event webpages and registrations with the assistance of the Web Administrator.  
                11.  Call upon other volunteers to be available to Publicity to create content.
                12.  During the program year, volunteer to help with one GPFS event.

                13.  For Flute Fair, volunteer to chair one committee.

                  GPFS Social Media Officer

                  Job Description: 

                  In charge of social media communications and collaborates with other officers in information endeavors. 


                  1.     Maintains social media feeds (Facebook and Instagram, etc.).
                  2.     Creates content for social media postings.
                  3.     Works with Communications, Publicity and Photographer to promote events.
                  4.     Call upon other volunteers to be available to Socia Media to create content.
                  5.     For Flute Fair, volunteer to chair one committee.
                  6.     During the program year, volunteer to help with one GPFS event.

                    GPFS Web Administrator

                    Job Description:

                    Maintains the GPFS Website, publishes information updates, fixes broken or misdirected links. Also maintains mail forwarders and aliases for GPFS Board Members.


                    1.       Has a basic understanding of web authoring software.
                    2.       Helps maintain the master webpages, including fixing broken or misdirected links.
                    3.       Assists officers/appointees as needed to update website information regarding concerts, flute fair, pictures, commercial members, etc., that are sent from members and non-members.
                    4.       Maintains mail forwarders and aliases.
                    5.       Administer Google Workspace: maintain users and groups, manage permissions and email configurations. 
                    6.       Collaborates with vendors to manage DNS, DKIM and other network settings.
                    7.       Forwards invoices for the web and email forwarding service to the Treasurer for payment.
                    8.       During the program year, volunteer to help with one GPFS event.
                    9.       For Flute Fair, volunteer to chair one committee.

                      GPFS Development Officer

                      Job Description:

                      Applies for grants.  Develops marketing, funding opportunities. Monitors fundraising activities and reporting of results. Chairs the development committee. 


                      1.     Develop fundraising plans in conjunction with the Commercial Membership Officer and GPFS board.   
                      2.     Identify new funding opportunities and develop strategies to diversify revenue streams.
                      3.     Write grant proposals.
                      4.     Collaborate with the communications team and other board officers to create appropriate marketing materials, donor engagement content and website updates.
                      5.     Monitor and evaluate fundraising activities to ensure goals are met and make recommendations for improvement.
                      6.     Coordinate with the Treasurer to ensure accurate reporting and provide regular reports on fundraising progress to the Board.
                      7.     Chairs the Development committee or assigns a chair.
                      8.     During the program year, volunteers to help with one GPFS event.
                      9.     For Flute Fair, volunteers to chair one committee.

                        GPFS Youth Outreach & Study Grants Officer

                        Job Description

                        Coordinate the GPFS Study Grant program which offers a limited number of $300 scholarships for private flute lessons to middle and high school students on three criteria: essay from student, financial need, and teacher recommendation. Outreach Officer may appoint a study grant committee chair if desired.  Assist with all events that include youth and inclusion.


                          1.   Determines eligibility and organizes the study grant applications for review of a committee of three board members.  The committee recommends how many grants are to be given for BPFS Board approval.
                          2.   Forms a committee to review applications and choose recipients.
                          3.   Updates application forms and other materials annually. Applications should be made available at least 3 months prior to the application deadline.
                          4.   Notify Treasurer of student awards and the teacher names and addresses. Scholarships awards are sent directly to the GPFS ember Teacher of the students’ choice.
                          5.   Notify Membership chair of names and addresses of the recipients to be added to membership.
                          6.   Writes a newsletter article announcing the current Study Grant recipients that includes a short bio and a current picture of the grant recipient.
                          7.   Helps facilitate the need-based loan of student flutes owned by GPFS, maintaining paperwork and contact with the students' receiving flutes.
                          8.   Accepts donation of flutes for the Instrument Loan Program, ensuring good repair before they are loaned out.
                          9.   During the program year, volunteer to help with one GPFS event, especially events targeted for Youth and Outreach, i.e., Flute Academy.
                          10.   Volunteer to chair one committee at Flute Fair. 


                            GPFS At Large Board Member 

                            Job Description:

                            Help with special projects, attends board meetings, help with GPFS events and Flute Fair and is available for miscellaneous duties as needed throughout the GPFS calendar year.


                            1.      Help with special projects.
                            2.      Attend face-to-face board meetings.
                            3.      During the program year, volunteer to help with one GPFS event.
                            4.      For Flute Fair, volunteer to chair one committee.

                              GPFS Committees & Appointments

                              These positions can be held by either Board or non-Board GPFS members.

                              If a non-board member holds an appointment the responsibility of helping with one GPFS event or chairing a Flute Fair committee does not apply.

                              GPFS Development Committee

                              The purpose of the Development Committee is to ensure that GPFS maintains a consistent focus on:

                                1.   Collaborating with the Board to identify financial needs consistent with development activities such as grants, foundation awards, or donor contributions.
                                2.   Keeping the Board informed about relevant grant and foundation opportunities that align with GPFS's fiscal year and strategic development cycle.
                                3.   Maintaining strong organizational budget and fiscal transparency documents, providing grant writing training, understanding grant options and cycles, etc.
                                4.   Actively applying for grants and foundation awards. 
                                5.   Working with the Board to suggest GPFS activities/events that can enhance positioning with funders.
                                6.   Enhancing GPFS's visibility in non-profit databases used by funders.
                                7.   Overseeing grant reporting and working with the Treasurer to ensure fiscal accountability to funding sources.

                                The Development Committee will consist of 3 – 5 volunteer members, including at least one GPFS board member, a designated Development Officer, and participation by the GPFS Treasurer as necessary. The committee's necessity and structure will be reassessed at the start of each new fiscal year. Meetings will be held at least annually, with additional meetings scheduled as needed based on the committee's objectives and available funding opportunities.

                                  GPFS Volunteer Coordinator

                                  Job Description:

                                  Assist president and board in assessing volunteer needs and plans.  Provide communication and outreach to find and retain volunteers. 


                                  1.     Develop and organize an annual and per event outreach strategy to recruit volunteers.
                                  2.     Works with Communications and Social Media officers to develop social media posts and other promotions to assist with volunteer recruitment.
                                  3.     Work with those planning any specific event or ongoing task to identify the need for volunteers.  Assist in developing any necessary instructional materials.
                                  4.     Report to board on volunteer efforts annually, most likely following Flute Fair. 

                                    GPFS Hospitality Coordinator

                                    Job Description:

                                    Brings refreshments (generally cookies and beverage) for annual GPFS Members Recital and any other applicable events.


                                    1.      Provides refreshments (generally cookies and beverage) for annual GPFS Members Recital (turn receipts into Treasurer for reimbursement).
                                    2.      Provides refreshments (or coordinates refreshments) for any other applicable events.

                                      GPFS Librarian 

                                      Job Description

                                      Houses the GPFS Music Library and makes it available for GPFS Members to check-out items. Maintains the database of all items found in the GPFS Music Library and provides updates of the database to the GFPS Webmaster when changes are made to the database. Maintains files of transactions associated with donations to the library and check-out of library items.


                                      1.      Houses GPFS Music Library, making it available for GPFS Members in good standing to check-out items.
                                      2.      On occasion, assess items for removal, such as music in poor condition, or unnecessary duplicates.  However, duplicates of popular performance
                                      3.      Maintains database of all items found in the GPFS Music Library.
                                      4.      Provides updates of the database to the GPFS Webmaster when changes are made to the database.
                                      5.      Communicates with sheet music donors and connects donors to members interested in receiving donations.
                                      6.      Maintains files of transactions associated with library donations and check-out of library items.
                                      7.      Follows up with members checking out items to ensure that all items are returned when rental period is up.
                                      8.      Follows GPFS Policies and Procedures for Library Check-out.
                                      9.      Forwards any monies collected to GPFS Treasurer.
                                      10.   During the program year, volunteer to help with one GPFS event.
                                      11.   For Flute Fair, volunteer to chair one committee.

                                        GPFS C Flutes Loan Program Coordinator

                                        Job Description:

                                        House the GPFS flutes and ensure that flutes are in good working order before loaned. 


                                        1.     Repair and Maintenance: If flute is in need of repair, coordinate with repair person and submit receipts for reimbursement of cost.  Flutes should be repaired as necessary to meet the demand. Considerations regarding the cost of repair should be made as cost of repair often exceeds the value of a flute. Timeliness should also be considered as flutes that have been repaired and sit without being used may go out of adjustment. 
                                        From time to time flutes should be played by coordinator.  This helps to keep them in working order. 
                                        2.     Database: Maintain a database of all GPFS flutes currently out and available for loan.  Update database as flutes are donated or sold.
                                        3.     Flute Check-out/Rental/Return:  Respond to inquiries promptly regarding GPFS policies for check-out of flutes. Ensure that member is in good standing (current member with dues paid).  Ensure that the flute (beginner, intermediate, advanced) is appropriate to the level of the member.   Coordinate drop-off and pick-up of flute. Discuss the terms of the contract with the member including proper care and maintenance.  Ensure contracts are filled out completely, signed and dated.  Maintain original contract and provide a copy to the member.  Check in with the member quarterly to ensure flute is being used and in working order. Minor Members: If the member is a child, these discussions should occur in the presence of the parent or guardian so they can ensure proper care of the flute. Contract should be signed by the parent or guardian and the minor must be in either in a band or orchestra program or studying with a teacher member of the GPFS. 
                                        4.     Fees: Collect fees associated with longer term rentals (over three months).  Currently fees are $25 per three months.  The first three months are free.  Fees may be collected in the form of a check made out to the Greater Portland Flute Society, or payment can be made through the website.  Checks are forwarded to the GPFS Treasurer.  If payment is made through the website, an invoice should be created through the website and emailed to the member.  Upon payment, a second invoice should be sent to the member indicating that the invoice has been paid. 
                                        5.     Return of flute: Ensure that flute is returned or renewed at the end of the contract period.  Check flute for damage.  If damaged, discuss fees for repair with the member and coordinate repair with repair person.  Create an invoice for repair work and send to member for payment. Check with treasurer to see if payment is received-if no payment is received, communicate issue to the Member Coordinator. 
                                        6.     Flute Donations:  Respond to inquiries regarding flute donations.  Flutes donated must be in working order-donors should be encouraged to have flute repaired prior to donation.  Encourage a donation to cover the cost of repair and maintenance.  If flute is donated, a letter to the donor should be sent thanking them for the donation and acknowledging receipt of the flute. Language regarding GPFS 501 (c)(3) status and tax ID number should be included for tax purposes. 
                                        7.     Sale of Surplus Flutes: Should GPFS have an excess of flutes at all levels and in working order, the flute loan coordinator may discuss the sale of a GPFS flute to a member with the Board.  A flute may be sold only upon Board approval.  Board must approve the price offered for sale and checks shall be made out the Greater Portland Flute Society and submitted to the Treasurer.  A bill of sale shall be created through the website, and mailed to the member.  Alternately, an invoice may be sent to the member and upon payment the flute may be sold to the member. If a flute is sold, the database should be updated to reflect the sale of the flute. 

                                          GPFS Bass & Alto Flutes Program Coordinator

                                          Job Description:

                                          Maintains physical possession of the GPFS-owned alto and bass flute, and facilitates check-out and return of the instruments, collecting designated fees and deposits and making sure that the instruments are kept in good repair.


                                          1.     Responsible for maintaining physical possession of the GPFS Altus Bass Flute and the GPFS Trevor James Alto Flute.
                                          2.     Responsible for keeping both flutes in playing conditions.
                                          3.     Being available to check out these instruments to current GPFS Members.

                                          a. Have GPFS Member fill out appropriate Instrument Check-Out forms (there is one for the bass flute and another for the alto flute). Make sure that the period of rental is clearly stated.

                                          b. Collect $100 security deposit (check or cash) for each instrument checked out.

                                          c. Ensures rental fees are collected in advance of rental periods.

                                          d. Follows up with GPFS Member if instrument(s) is/are not returned on time.

                                          4.     Works with president to ensure GPFS maintains current and sufficient insurance. 
                                          5.     During the program year, volunteer to help with one GPFS event.
                                          6.     For Flute Fair, volunteer to chair one committee.

                                          GPFS Photographer


                                          Maintains files of photographs on Google Drive, sees that picture are taken at new events, and assists with use of photos for communication purposes as needed. 


                                          1.     Solicits and organizes photos of past events and activities.
                                          2.     Collects and archives to Google drive.
                                          3.     Takes or arranges for someone(s) to take photos of our events.
                                          4.     Generates photographic content for social media content and other content as needed.

                                            GPFS Advisor

                                            On hold pending decision to keep this office and if so, determine qualifications, job description and responsibilities. 

                                            These following positions are available to all GPFS members, whether on the Board currently or not. Your help is welcome!

                                            Fred Meyer Community Rewards

                                            This program makes it easy for you to donate to the GPFS with the shopping you do every day!

                                            To  connect your Fred Meyer Rewards Card to the GPFS,  CLICK HERE

                                            3528 SW Gale Ave
                                            Portland, Oregon 
                                            Powered by Wild Apricot Membership Software